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Copywriting is more than good writing. The point is to get a prospective customer to complete an action whether that is to buy a product, sign up to a newsletter or register for a webinar.


But how do you do that when attention spans are short and readers are lazy? How are you going to make yourself heard quickly?


​Herd Communications can deliver results deploying the right words across multiple channels.

Use the right medium

  • Adverts - print and digital

  • Direct mail

  • Email campaigns

  • E-Newsletters


  • Posters

  • Product overviews and sales literature

  • Social media posts

  • Web copy

Five reasons to hire a copywriter

  1. Skilled expertise - we can write persuasive copy that results in a positive response​.​

  2. Save time - writing takes time, so let me do it whilst you focus on the day job.

  3. Improve sales messaging - make sure you're promoting benefits, not features. 

  4. Take advantage of digital skills - for example, search engine optimisation.

  5. Add to in-house resources - you may not have the in-house skills. Or perhaps you don't have enough people to cover the work? 

  6. Proofreading expertise - don't undermine excellent copy with silly typos.

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